Understanding shares outstanding is critical for investors: Many "beginner" investors will look at one stock trading at $10 and another trading at $20 and think the latter company is worth twice as much. Of course, that is a completely meaningless comparison without also knowing how many shares outstanding there are for each of the two companies. Furthermore, via issuance of new shares over time, or the repurchase of existing shares, the number of shares outstanding can fluctuate over the course of history. Our website aims to empower investors by enabling them to research the shares outstanding history for any stock in our coverage universe. To begin, choose a company from one of the lists on this page, or enter the stock symbol into the box at the top of the page menu. Thanks for visiting SharesOutstandingHistory.com! Also recommended: MarketCapHistory.com
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AY shares outstanding history
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DAT shares outstanding history
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DFVS shares outstanding history
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DGIC.B shares outstanding history
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DGNS shares outstanding history
DGNU shares outstanding history
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DISC.A shares outstanding history
DISC.B shares outstanding history
DISC.K shares outstanding history
DIST shares outstanding history
DIVB shares outstanding history
DJP shares outstanding history
DJT shares outstanding history
DLBL shares outstanding history
DLBS shares outstanding history
DLCA shares outstanding history
DLNG shares outstanding history
DLO shares outstanding history
DMAC shares outstanding history
DMAQ shares outstanding history
DMXF shares outstanding history
DMYQ shares outstanding history
DMYS shares outstanding history
DNAA shares outstanding history
DNAB shares outstanding history
DNAC shares outstanding history
DNAD shares outstanding history
DNJR shares outstanding history
DNZ shares outstanding history
DOGZ shares outstanding history
DOOO shares outstanding history
DOOR shares outstanding history
DOYU shares outstanding history
DPCS shares outstanding history
DPHC shares outstanding history
DPRO shares outstanding history
DRAY shares outstanding history
DRTS shares outstanding history
DRTT shares outstanding history
DRUG shares outstanding history
DSAC shares outstanding history
DSAQ shares outstanding history
DSEY shares outstanding history
DSSI shares outstanding history
DTCR shares outstanding history
DTEA shares outstanding history
DTRT shares outstanding history
DTUL shares outstanding history
DTUS shares outstanding history
DTYL shares outstanding history
DTYS shares outstanding history
DUET shares outstanding history
DUNE shares outstanding history
DUO shares outstanding history
DURA shares outstanding history
DUSL shares outstanding history
DVEM shares outstanding history
DVLU shares outstanding history
DVOL shares outstanding history
DWAC shares outstanding history
DWAW shares outstanding history
DWEQ shares outstanding history
DWFI shares outstanding history
DWIN shares outstanding history
DWMC shares outstanding history
DWMF shares outstanding history
DWSH shares outstanding history
DWUS shares outstanding history
DYB shares outstanding history
DYLS shares outstanding history
DYNS shares outstanding history
EAC shares outstanding history
EACQ shares outstanding history
EACQ.U shares outstanding history
EAGG shares outstanding history
EAGL shares outstanding history
EARS shares outstanding history
EBAC shares outstanding history
EBIZ shares outstanding history
EBON shares outstanding history
EDEN shares outstanding history
EDNC shares outstanding history
EDOC shares outstanding history
EDOM shares outstanding history
EDOW shares outstanding history
EDRY shares outstanding history
EDSA shares outstanding history
EDTK shares outstanding history
EDTX shares outstanding history
EDUT shares outstanding history
EEIQ shares outstanding history
EEMA shares outstanding history
EEMS shares outstanding history
EEMV shares outstanding history
EFAD shares outstanding history
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EG shares outstanding history
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ELAT shares outstanding history
ELBM shares outstanding history
ELMS shares outstanding history
ELVA shares outstanding history
EMBD shares outstanding history
EMBK shares outstanding history
EMBU shares outstanding history
EMDV shares outstanding history
EMIH shares outstanding history
EMIT.F shares outstanding history
EMLD shares outstanding history
EMMF shares outstanding history
EMSH shares outstanding history
EMTY shares outstanding history
EMXC shares outstanding history
EMXF shares outstanding history
ENCP shares outstanding history
ENER shares outstanding history
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ERO shares outstanding history
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FORE shares outstanding history
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FORL shares outstanding history
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FWP shares outstanding history
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GAN shares outstanding history
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GAQ shares outstanding history
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GGPI shares outstanding history
GGR shares outstanding history
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GHRS shares outstanding history
GHVI shares outstanding history
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GIG shares outstanding history
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GLBL shares outstanding history
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GLEE shares outstanding history
GLEO shares outstanding history
GLHA shares outstanding history
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GLOB shares outstanding history
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GLOP shares outstanding history
GLS shares outstanding history
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GNFT shares outstanding history
GNOM shares outstanding history
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GNRS shares outstanding history
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GOAT shares outstanding history
GOBI shares outstanding history
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GOGN shares outstanding history
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GOOS shares outstanding history
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GP shares outstanding history
GPAC shares outstanding history
GPAQ shares outstanding history
GPAT shares outstanding history
GPCO shares outstanding history
GPCR shares outstanding history
GPRK shares outstanding history
GQRE shares outstanding history
GRAB shares outstanding history
GRAF shares outstanding history
GRCY shares outstanding history
GRIN shares outstanding history
GRMY shares outstanding history
GRNA shares outstanding history
GRNB shares outstanding history
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GROV shares outstanding history
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GRSV shares outstanding history
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GTES shares outstanding history
GTH shares outstanding history
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GVCI shares outstanding history
GVH shares outstanding history
GWAC shares outstanding history
GWII shares outstanding history
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GXII shares outstanding history
GXTG shares outstanding history
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HAIA shares outstanding history
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HCAR shares outstanding history
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HG shares outstanding history
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HUGS shares outstanding history
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IACC shares outstanding history
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IBER shares outstanding history
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IBMJ shares outstanding history
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IBML shares outstanding history
IBMM shares outstanding history
IBTB shares outstanding history
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VRNA shares outstanding history
VS shares outstanding history
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WEI shares outstanding history
WEJO shares outstanding history
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WINV shares outstanding history
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WNW shares outstanding history
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WPF shares outstanding history
WPM shares outstanding history
WQGA shares outstanding history
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YOTA shares outstanding history
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ZLAB shares outstanding history
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ZNTE shares outstanding history
ZSL shares outstanding history
ZT shares outstanding history
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ZWRK shares outstanding history
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