Understanding shares outstanding is critical for investors: Many "beginner" investors will look at one stock trading at $10 and another trading at $20 and think the latter company is worth twice as much. Of course, that is a completely meaningless comparison without also knowing how many shares outstanding there are for each of the two companies. Furthermore, via issuance of new shares over time, or the repurchase of existing shares, the number of shares outstanding can fluctuate over the course of history. Our website aims to empower investors by enabling them to research the shares outstanding history for any stock in our coverage universe. To begin, choose a company from one of the lists on this page, or enter the stock symbol into the box at the top of the page menu. Thanks for visiting SharesOutstandingHistory.com! Also recommended: MarketCapHistory.com
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SSW shares outstanding history
STAF shares outstanding history
STEM shares outstanding history
STG shares outstanding history
STN shares outstanding history
STNG shares outstanding history
STRL shares outstanding history
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SXI shares outstanding history
TAYD shares outstanding history
TBI shares outstanding history
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THR shares outstanding history
TILE shares outstanding history
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TPGE shares outstanding history
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TRKA shares outstanding history
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TRU shares outstanding history
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TTC shares outstanding history
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UAL shares outstanding history
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UP shares outstanding history
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URI shares outstanding history
USAK shares outstanding history
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UTX shares outstanding history
V shares outstanding history
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WD shares outstanding history
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WHLM shares outstanding history
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WM shares outstanding history
WP shares outstanding history
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XPO shares outstanding history
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XYL shares outstanding history
YELL shares outstanding history
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