Understanding shares outstanding is critical for investors: Many "beginner" investors will look at one stock trading at $10 and another trading at $20 and think the latter company is worth twice as much. Of course, that is a completely meaningless comparison without also knowing how many shares outstanding there are for each of the two companies. Furthermore, via issuance of new shares over time, or the repurchase of existing shares, the number of shares outstanding can fluctuate over the course of history. Our website aims to empower investors by enabling them to research the shares outstanding history for any stock in our coverage universe. To begin, choose a company from one of the lists on this page, or enter the stock symbol into the box at the top of the page menu. Thanks for visiting SharesOutstandingHistory.com! Also recommended: MarketCapHistory.com
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C shares outstanding history
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CRT shares outstanding history
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DTD shares outstanding history
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DX shares outstanding history
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EARN shares outstanding history
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ECBK shares outstanding history
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ECNS shares outstanding history
ECPG shares outstanding history
ECT shares outstanding history
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EFAV shares outstanding history
EFBI shares outstanding history
EFC shares outstanding history
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EFG shares outstanding history
EFO shares outstanding history
EFSC shares outstanding history
EFU shares outstanding history
EFV shares outstanding history
EFZ shares outstanding history
EGBN shares outstanding history
EGF shares outstanding history
EGIF shares outstanding history
EGP shares outstanding history
EGPT shares outstanding history
EHT shares outstanding history
EHTH shares outstanding history
EIDO shares outstanding history
EIG shares outstanding history
EIRL shares outstanding history
EIS shares outstanding history
ELD shares outstanding history
ELME shares outstanding history
ELS shares outstanding history
ELV shares outstanding history
ELVT shares outstanding history
EMAG shares outstanding history
EMB shares outstanding history
EMCB shares outstanding history
EMCF shares outstanding history
EMCG shares outstanding history
EMCI shares outstanding history
EMF shares outstanding history
EMFM shares outstanding history
EMIF shares outstanding history
EMLC shares outstanding history
EMO shares outstanding history
EMPW shares outstanding history
ENFC shares outstanding history
ENVA shares outstanding history
ENZL shares outstanding history
EOI shares outstanding history
EOS shares outstanding history
EPHE shares outstanding history
EPI shares outstanding history
EPOL shares outstanding history
EPP shares outstanding history
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EPRT shares outstanding history
EPS shares outstanding history
EPU shares outstanding history
EPV shares outstanding history
EQBK shares outstanding history
EQC shares outstanding history
EQFN shares outstanding history
EQH shares outstanding history
EQL shares outstanding history
EQR shares outstanding history
EQS shares outstanding history
ERIE shares outstanding history
ERUS shares outstanding history
ERX shares outstanding history
ERY shares outstanding history
ESBA shares outstanding history
ESBK shares outstanding history
ESGR shares outstanding history
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ESS shares outstanding history
ESSA shares outstanding history
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ETB shares outstanding history
ETFC shares outstanding history
ETHE shares outstanding history
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EU shares outstanding history
EUDG shares outstanding history
EUFN shares outstanding history
EUM shares outstanding history
EUMV shares outstanding history
EUO shares outstanding history
EUSA shares outstanding history
EUSC shares outstanding history
EV shares outstanding history
EVF shares outstanding history
EVG shares outstanding history
EVN shares outstanding history
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EWBC shares outstanding history
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EWQ shares outstanding history
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EWW shares outstanding history
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EXI shares outstanding history
EXPI shares outstanding history
EXR shares outstanding history
EXT shares outstanding history
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EZJ shares outstanding history
EZM shares outstanding history
EZPW shares outstanding history
EZU shares outstanding history
FAB shares outstanding history
FAD shares outstanding history
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FBK shares outstanding history
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FBRT shares outstanding history
FBSS shares outstanding history
FBT shares outstanding history
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FCA shares outstanding history
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FCB shares outstanding history
FCBC shares outstanding history
FCBP shares outstanding history
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FTA shares outstanding history
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FXL shares outstanding history
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FXZ shares outstanding history
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GS shares outstanding history
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HAO shares outstanding history
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HBK shares outstanding history
HBMD shares outstanding history
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HBT shares outstanding history
HCAP shares outstanding history
HCFT shares outstanding history
HCI shares outstanding history
HDG shares outstanding history
HDV shares outstanding history
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HEQ shares outstanding history
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HFBL shares outstanding history
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HGSH shares outstanding history
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HHC shares outstanding history
HHH shares outstanding history
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HT shares outstanding history
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HTY shares outstanding history
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ICE shares outstanding history
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IDE shares outstanding history
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ILPT shares outstanding history
ILTB shares outstanding history
IMCB shares outstanding history
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WPG shares outstanding history
WPS shares outstanding history
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